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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

sorry madam!

the moment i composed this, I was actually skip for Madam Nagamany's class.. there are three of us who did not attend her class because we felt that it wasn't proper and disrespectful to go to her class after late half an hour...since we did it so many times, yeah going late to her class, but this time, we decided to skip...we were overslept because last night we enjoy playing billionnaire game until 2 a.m...its true, how time flies when we have a good moment, right? hehe..whatever it is, we were regreted on what we have did and we promised that we won't do it again..


my birthday just passed two days ago...it was a great and memorable day for me as I've turned into 21..its kinda hard to believe..yeah, because i feel that i'm getting older..haha..and for sure, now I have a right to vote though the election was just finished...yeah i'll wait until 4 to 5 years onwards..my friends greeted me and there are friends who gave me present and pay my meal bills..my family, even they are far from me, but they gave me calls and sent the birthday messages. But the most happiest was my father gave me some amount of money to celebrate it with my friends.. so I brought my friends to Pizza hut that was just nearby with our campus..

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Number of Students in Secondary School shall be Less than 1000

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English begins a secondary school as the school for children between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18 while Advanced English Dictionary Federal Chambers defines secondary school as a school for children between the ages of 11 or 12 and 18, where subjects are taught at a more advanced level than a primary school. There are many secondary schools provided in Malaysia such as national school, vernacular school, non-vernacular school, science school, vocational school, smart school and cluster school. Usually, secondary school offers 8 to 12 subjects such as Bahasa Melayu, English, History, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, etc.

From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, 2008, secondary education is the stage of education following primary school. Secondary schools run for seven years, known as Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Lower 6 and Upper 6. Not all schools offer all forms. Many secondary schools stop at Form 5. Forms 1 to 3 are known as the lower secondary level and at the end of Form 3, students sit for the PMR (Penilaian Menengah Rendah) examination. This replaced the SRP (Sijil Rendah Pelajaran) or LCE (Lower Certificate of Education) where a pass was required for promotion to Form 4. At the end of Form 5, students sit for the SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia) examination. Secondary education is generally the final stage of compulsory education. The next stage of education is usually college or university. Secondary education is characterized by transition from the typically compulsory, comprehensive primary education for minors to the optional, selective tertiary, post-secondary, or higher education (e.g., university, vocational school) for adults. Depending on the system, schools for this period or a part of it may be called secondary schools, high schools, gymnasia, lyceums, middle schools, colleges, vocational schools and preparatory schools, and the exact meaning of any of these varies between the systems.
The meaning of student by Longman Dictionary is someone who is studying at a university, school and etc while Advance English Dictionary states that student is a person following a former course of study at a college or university. The purpose of secondary education is to give common knowledge, to prepare for either higher education or vocational education, or to train directly to a profession.
Secondary education, like primary education is now compulsory in Malaysia. The secondary school shall be less than 1000 students because lots of problems will occur if the number of students is exceeded. The excessive number of students may lead to disciplinary problem including bullying, truancy, vandalism, gangsterism, and loitering. Other than that, it is hard for the school administration to handle the students if the number of the students is more than 1000. Furthermore, social problem will increase among female and male students. Hence, each secondary school has to limit students’ intake to avoid these problems to happen.
In disciplinary problem, students always involve in bullying and ragging.
Normally, senior like bullying the junior especially during the orientation week where the seniors ask their juniors to do the nonsense things like running around the school compound, washed the seniors clothes, etc and it will lead to the stress of the junior and gives problem to the school. There are students who involve in gangsterism where many other students especially the weak or innocent one become the victim to the students who are strong and have power in school. This is the serious case because students should not involve in any criminal case such as blackmail and punch the other students. Moreover, if there are too many students in the school, the percentage of students involving in vandalism will increase and many facilities in the school will damage such as public phone, toilet, canteen and classroom’s equipments.
Besides, there are many cases of truancy and loitering among students especially for the students who are from the class that has more than 30 people, the teacher probably will not notice them. Instead of going to school, they will go to shopping complex, cybercafé and cinema. Some of them involve in smoking and drugs. These are not the ethical as a student. Therefore, parents and school authorities should cooperate to prevent this situation from spreading widely by giving lots of attention particularly to the problematic students.
In addition, it is hard for the school administration to control or handle large sum of students. Teacher may overlook to some students and the students may feel ignored and tend to play in the class. The quality of the students will reduce because small amount of the students will be better. A good service can be carried out by the school organization to the students. As for the outcome, the school quality will be preserved and at the same time the good quality of students can be produced. By all these means, the ranking of school can be upgraded.
Apart from that, there will be not enough space for students to move around in the school and they will feel uncomfortable to learn. They need to share the limited facilities among them which are provided by the school. For instance, school canteen, toilet, hall and field. School administration will have a problem to keep the data of the students about their personal problems or achievements and control the students’ traits. There will be many school sessions if there are more than a thousand of students.
Another reason why the secondary school should be less than 1000 students is to decrease social problems among the students. If there are too many students in the school, the percentage of having social problem are high too. Male and female students may engage in close relationship and may give problems to the other students and school organization.
In conclusion, the number of the secondary school shall be less than 1000 students to avoid from the problems that stated above. Regarding to the students’ rules and regulations, the students need to behave well and accordingly and they cannot be involved in any problem that can make them been kept out from the schools. We want to provide students who have the better quality to become a future leader and to be well educated without having bad records and influenced by surrounding. We also want our students to have a good environment and comfortable while studying. Therefore, there should be less than 30 students per class and less than 1000 per school in secondary school.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

sihat cara Rasulullah

1. SELALU BANGUN SEBELUM SUBUHRasul selalu mengajak ummatnya untuk bangunsebelum subuh, melaksanakan sholat sunah dansholat Fardhu, sholat subuh berjamaah. Hal inimemberi hikmah yg mendalam antara lain :- Berlimpah pahala dari Allah- Kesegaran udara subuh yg bagus utk kesehatan/ terapi penyakit TB -Memperkuat pikiran dan menyehatkan perasaan
2. AKTIF MENJAGA KEBERSIHANRasul selalu sentiasa rapi & bersih, tiap harikamis atau Jumaat beliau mencuci rambut-rambuthalus di pipi, selalu memotong kuku, bersisir danberminyak wangi."Mandi pada hari Jumaat adalah wajib bagi setiaporang-orang dewasa.Demikian pula menggosok gigi dan memakaiharum-haruman"(HR Muslim)
3.TIDAK PERNAH BANYAK MAKANSabda Rasul :"Kami adalah sebuah kaum yang tidak makan sebelumlapar dan bila kami makan tidak terlalu banyak (tidak sampai kekenyangan)"(Muttafaq Alaih)Dalam tubuh manusia ada 3 ruang untuk 3 benda :Sepertiga untuk udara, sepertiga untuk air dansepertiga lainnya untuk makanan. Bahkan ada satutarbiyyah khusus bagi ummat Islam dengan adanyaPuasa Ramadhan untuk menyeimbangkan kesehatan
4. GEMAR BERJALAN KAKIRasul selalu berjalan kaki ke Masjid, Pasar, medanjihad, mengunjungi rumah sahabat, dan sebagainya.Dengan berjalan kaki, keringat akan mengalir,pori-pori terbuka dan peredaran darah akanberjalan lancar. Ini penting untuk mencegahpenyakit jantung
5. TIDAK PEMARAHNasihat Rasulullah : "Jangan Marah"diulangi sampai3 kali. Ini menunujukkan hakikat kesehatan dankekuatan Muslim bukanlah terletak pada jasadiyahbelaka, tetapi lebih jauh yaitu dilandasi olehkebersihan dan kesehatan jiwa.Ada terapi yang tepat untuk menahan marah :- Mengubah posisi ketika marah, bila berdiri maka duduk,dan bila duduk maka berbaring- Membaca Ta 'awwudz, karena marah itu dari Syaithon- Segeralah berwudhu- Sholat 2 Rokaat untuk meraih ketenangan dan menghilangkan kegundahanhati
6. OPTIMIS DAN TIDAK PUTUS ASASikap optimis akan memberikan dampak psikologisyang mendalam bagi kelapangan jiwa sehingga tetapsabar, istiqomah dan bekerja keras, sertatawakal kepada Allah SWT
7. TAK PERNAH IRI HATIUntuk menjaga stabilitas hati & kesehatan jiwa,mentalitas maka menjauhi iri hati merupakantindakan preventif yang sangat tepat.::Ya Allah,bersihkanlah hatiku dari sifat sifatmazmumah dan hiasilah diriku dengan sifat sifatmahmudah...::Kalau rajin... Tolong sebarkan maklumat ini kepadasaudara Muslim Muslimatyang lain agar menjadi renungan dan pelajarankepada kita semua. Ilmu yang bermanfaat ialahsalah satu amal yang berkekalan bagi orang yangmengajarnya meskipun dia sudah meninggal duniawallahu'alam....

jokes for today...

Pada suatu hari Si Asan pergi sekolah seperti biasa, tapi hari tu ada pereksa bahasa inggeris, Si Asan ni memang tak reti apa B Ing., jadi semasa pereksa tu Asan main hentam sahaja, baik nasib soalan objektif, ada A,B,C bolehlah nak hentam hentam.Cara Asan hentam biasa la, lambung buah dadu, memang dia dah standby buah dadu awal awal lagi dalam poket. Cikgu tak kata apa, dia dah kenal perangai Asan yang suka baling buah dadu.Seperti biasa dan seperti pelajar lain jugak, selepas 15 minit kebanyakan pelajar dah siap, maksudnya siap hentam la tu, jadi ada yang melukis, ada yang termenung dan macam-macam lagi. Tapi si Asan ni dia bantai tidor kat meja tu.

Cikgu yang jaga pereksa tu pun malas nak layan atau nak gerak, dah memang budak-budak tu tak reti nak buat.Tapi tiba-tiba, kira-kira lagi 15 minit sebelum pepereksaan nak tamat, Asan cepat-cepat bangun, dikeluarkannya semula buah dadu, dicampakkan dadu keatas meja, lihat kertas jawapan, ada yang dipadam, ada yang tak, berulang-ulang kali dia buat macam tu. Cikgu pun naik heran, dia pun menghampiri Asan dan tanya,Cikgu: Awak buat apa tu Asan?Asan: Mak cakap, kalau dah habis jawab pereksakena check semula, takut salah ke?Cikgu: Check pakai buah dadu????Asan : Ia lah, kan saya buat pun pakai buah dadu!Cikgu : ????????????????????????


try to look at this picture..zoom in if you can ;) do you think these two girls in this picture have a quite similar face?? if yes, please leave some comment and state your answe..if no, just leave it..


whoahhh.....life become easier..so far, i thought so...because all the assignments had been submitted last week.. feel so relieved without need to think about assignments things..heh..and now I think I just want to relax, hang around with my friends, watch cd and all sorts of things that I left before this....so this is time to enjoy!!s is vital for me because I want to rejuvenate myself back before I start concentrating on study because the final exam will be held on April

for you woman

This message I got from my friend who forwarded this to me..this is good for our knowledge and also should be emphasized by us, as a Muslim...feel pleasure to read..

soalan : Assalamualaikum,Saya menerima email mengatakan perempuan di dalam keadaan haid perlu mengkadaq solat dlm keadaan tertentu, apakah ianya benar?email tersebut seperti berikut:WAJIB DIBACA! kepada sesiapa yang bernama wanita ISLAM!!!

Kebanyakkan perempuan/wanita/ muslimah (wanita Islam) tak berapa perasan ATAU lebih malang lagi jika memang tak tahu menahu akan perkara ini... Ilmu Fekah, khususnya BAB HAID yang berkaitan dengan diri wanita itu sendiri amat kurang dikuasai atau difahami secara menyeluruh oleh kebanyakkan wanita Islam...kenapa hal ini boleh terjadi?? Amat susah untuk mencari seorang guru/ustazah/ ...yang betul-betul pakar dalam bab 'Orang-orang Perempuan ini' kecuali terpaksa@mesti dirujuk kepada lelaki/ustaz- ustaz yang bernama LELAKI jugak...(saya rasa ramai yang bersetuju dengan pandangan saya ini) Contohnya yang paling simple ; bila ditanya kepada kebanyakkan wanita Islam ; "adakah wajib bagi seorang wanita Islam menqhada'kan solat mereka yang ditinggalkan ketika haid?" pastinya kita akan mendengar jawapan daripada kebanyakkan mereka mengatakan: "alaa...itu soalan mudah jee..bila 'datang period' maka solat tuu tak perlu qadha, yang perlu qadha hanya puasa jee..itulah yang kami belajar sejak mula-mula 'bergelar wanita' dulu" Jika dibuat pantauan nescaya jawapan seperti di ataslah yang akan kita jumpa... Sebenarnya TAK SEBEGITU MUDAH bagi seorang muslimah nak meninggalkan solat mereka walaupun dirinya didatangi haid!!! sekalipun. Hal ini boleh dirujuk di dalam kitab Ihya' Ulumuddin karangan Hujjatul Islam Imam Al-Ghazali yang mashur. Kitab yang padanya ada ilmu yang berkaitan Tasauf dan padanya juga perbahasan Fekah yang luas, inilah bukti kehebatan ulama' terdahulu. Dalam BAB TIGA : " Fi adab Mua'sharah Wama Yujzi Fi Dawamun Nikah..." perkara YANG KETUJUH disebut dengan jelas dalam kitab tersebut : PERKARA YANG BERKAITAN DENGAN HAID: Penjelasan (bayan) terhadap solat yang perlu diqadha bagi perempuan yang didatangi haid : 1. Jika perempuan dalam keadaan haid mendapati darah haid itu berhenti (dengan melihatnya) sebelum masuknya waktu Maghrib, kira-kira sempat dia solat asar sebanyak satu rakaat, maka baginya wajib qadha solat zohor dan asar. 2. Jika perempuan mendapati darah haidnya kering sebelum masuknya waktu subuh, kira-kira sempat baginya solat Isya' sebanyak satu rakaat, maka wajib baginya qadha solat maghrib dan Isya'. "Dan hal ini (qadha solat yang ditinggalkan semasa haid) adalah sekurang-kurang perkara yang wajib diketahui oleh setiap wanita Islam" (Imam Al-Ghazali)

HURAIAN MASALAH : 1. Kenapa perlu diqadha solat Asar dan Zohor? - Kerana perempuan itu hanya menyedari keringnya haid masih dalam waktu Asar, maka baginya wajib solat asar (selepas mandi hadas) 2. Kenapa pula solat Zohor juga perlu diqadha sama? - Kerana di dalam hukum menjama' (menghimpun solat bagi orang musafir) solat Asar boleh dijama' dan diqosarkan bersama solat Zohor. - Kerana kecuaian wanita itu sendiri (dari melihat haidnya kering atau tidak), boleh jadi haidnya sudah kering dalam waktu Zohor lagi, langkah Ihtiyat (menjaga hukum) maka perempuan itu juga perlu mengqhada solat Zohor. 3. Dalam perkara solat subuh pun sama : -perempuan itu hanya menyedari darah haidnya kering, sebelum masuk waktu subuh, kira-kira sempat solat Isyak satu rakaat (selepas mandi hadas) maka wajib baginya solat Isya' sebab darahnya kering masih dalam waktu Isya'. -Solat Isya' juga boleh dijama' (bagi musafir) dengan solat Maghrib, maka baginya juga perlu diqadha solat maghrib. -Di atas kecuainnya (tidak betul-betul melihat darahnya kering atau tidak dalam setiap waktu solat) maka boleh jadi darahnya sudah kering dalam waktu maghrib lagi (sebab proses keringnya darah itu berlaku secara perlahan-lahan, mungkin perempuan itu hanya menyedarinya dalam waktu subuh, hakikatnya proses pengeringan itu sudah lama berlaku) -maka langkah ihtiyat (menjaga hukum) maka adalah bagi perempuan itu perlu di qadha juga solat maghribnya. Sila rujuk : Kitab Ihya' Ulumuddin (Jilid ke 2) cetakan Darul Nahwan Nil / Darul Haram Lil Turath, Kaherah. Diharapkan tulisan ini memberi kesedaran kepada seluruh yang bergelar Muslimah untuk lebih mendalami diri mereka dengan ilmu 'Fiqhul Nisa' ini yang berkaitan dengan diri mereka sendiri!!!